Join Now! USNA NoVA Social and Mid Support Committee
Posted: 1/19/2022

In short, we would like to establish committees to support our special events moving forward.
Committees? Why are we doing this? After two years of working around Covid, we have the opportunity to look at how we have done things in the past and improve them. Additionally, with the Class of 2022 about to graduate, we will also be saying farewell to some key members of the board.
Don’t we have a board? Yes. The board will remain in place to ensure the Club is fulfilling its mission, and we will work with the committees to ensure the necessary support is available.
You may not see it, but your board members and class representatives do a lot more than send periodic emails. The bulk of the planning and running our events has been completed by a few key players, and to ensure the activities will take place in the future, we need to begin identifying parents who can help as we move forward.
What will the committees do? The committees will spread that workload, and they will each rely on volunteers to make our key events successful, so we are asking parents to consider signing up for our committees. Your engagement will be flexible, so you can work around your schedule throughout the year, yet important for supporting our Club’s members and most importantly our Mids.
What kinds of committees? We believe the best approach would be to establish functional committees, specifically a Social Committee for tailgates, watch parties, and other new social events (TBD); and a Midshipman Support Committee for events like the Dark Ages Care Packages, Welcome Aboard and I-Day events (i.e., support of incoming Mids, new Mids, and seasoned Mids). This approach, using broader multi-event committees, may also spark some new ideas and events for the Club by giving members a chance to tailor the Club’s activities and align them better with what our Mids and their families need.
How can I help? Who can join a committee? Our Club is run entirely by volunteers, so any member can be on a committee. Of course, you can sign up for more than one committee, if you wish. Or you can sign your better-half up for one or both committees, to get some quiet time at home, again, if you wish.
Where can I learn more? Watch your email for an upcoming announcement regarding the Dark Ages Package event, which will take place next month. At the event, we plan to discuss the proposed committee structure with our membership, ask for suggestions, solicit volunteers, and begin charting a way forward for a reinvigorated, post-pandemic USNA NOVA Parents Club, one that will better support our Mids and their families.
What are the next steps? With the New Year among us, if you know now that you would be interested in being part of one of our committees, please sign up. The following link will take you to a Sign-Up Genius page where you can join a committee:
We presume the committee structure will evolve, so if you have any ideas for committees, we will always welcome hearing them.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Hopefully you will consider joining a committee!
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