Join Us! Dark Ages Care Package Event on February 8th
Posted: 1/23/2020
Sign Up Now and Join Us! Dark Ages Care Packaging on February 8th at 1:00pm. Our club is having its annual Dark Ages Care Packages assembly and potluck on Saturday, February 8, 2020 at the home of Mark Baker and Ellen Lokker, 498 River Bend Road, Great Falls, Virginia 22066. The potluck luncheon will start at 1pm and we will pack the boxes beginning at around 2pm.
Help Your Mid Beat the “Dark Ages” For those of you new to the club, the purpose of the event is to bring a little cheer to our Midshipman during the dreary month of February and to have a good time while doing so. We fill individual boxes with treats for each club Midshipman. The care packages will be delivered to the Mids at Bancroft Hall by volunteers the following day.
Click on this Sign Up Genius to sign up to join us and bring food for the potluck, contribute items for the boxes, and volunteer to drive boxes to Bancroft Hall on Sunday, February 9.
To learn more about the Dark Ages, view this Facebook video posted by ’17 USNA Grad Grant Vermeer, the Academy Insider
« Mark Your Calendars! Ship Selection on January 30th