UPDATE: Welcome Aboard Picnic (In-Person and Virtual Events)
Posted: 6/4/2020
Attention Club Members and New USNA Northern Virginia Families! Please be aware we have made adjustments to our annual Welcome Aboard Picnic.
We will be holding our picnic and Q&A session for incoming plebes, NAPS and Foundation School students, and a small group of current USNA midshipman, at the Casey residence at 1670 Hunting Crest Way, Vienna VA 22182 on Sunday June 14th from 12-3pm. A small group of current USNA midshipman will be in attendance to answer any questions future mids may have on the journey ahead.
Our Welcome Aboard Q&A and information session for family members will be held virtually over zoom on Sunday June 14th at 1pm. During this call, we’ll provide an overview of our club and activities, speak to life as a MID parent and what to expect, and answer questions you may have. We do plan on hosting an in-person social once Plebe Summer is underway to give new families a chance to meet others from the Class of 2024 and our current club members.
Updated information for our in-person and virtual Welcome Aboard activities is summarized on this UPDATED USNA NoVA Welcome Aboard 2020 flyer. If you’re an incoming plebe, NAPS or Foundation Student and would like to change your RSVP, please contact Beth Casey at beth.casey@apcela.com
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