Navy vs Notre Dame Game Watch Party
Posted: 11/13/2019
The club is hosting a Game Watch Party at Glory Days Grill, 3059 Nutley Street, Fairfax, Virginia in the Pan Am Shopping Center. The restaurant will seat us all together and there will be lots of television screens showing the game. This is a wonderful opportunity to socialize with other Northern Virginia families while we cheer the football team to victory over Notre Dame. Please RSVP to this event so that we can give the restaurant a head count. While each of us will be responsible for our own tab at the restaurant, the club will purchase appetizers for the group to share. (So come early!) The club also has applied to participate in the Glory Days “Dining for Dollars” fundraising program in which Glory Days Grill will donate 10% of our submitted receipts from 11/16/2019 back to the club.
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